Fascination Sobre Cleopatra's Diary

Fascination Sobre Cleopatra's Diary

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And yes, I know the book is not historically accurate, and yes, Cleopatra may or may not have been as likable in real life versus in this book. I am also aware that court politics is incredibly complex and blah blah blah, tyvm.

As a place to learn history, well, I am half and half. The details of the period itself is great, you can see how people lived back in that particular place and time. But as a source to learn about Cleopatra, you don't learn all that much since the diary only covers her early years.

I avidly read the Royal Diaries series during my middle school years. Like most young girls, I was fascinated with princesses and--maybe not so much like most young girls--deeply interested in the power politics of royalty.

Good grief, I generally enjoy the Royal Diaries, but this one is just awful. I've read it twice now, thinking that perhaps the first time I was just being unfair, but I couldn't finish slogging through it the second time.

Her first rejection letter at age ten was for a poem she wrote in class when she was supposed to be doing a math assignment. She's had a myriad of odd jobs: telephone operator, lifeguard, camp counselor, reporter, book reviewer & columnist for the LA Times, and finally author.

The twins were aged 10 and Ptolemy six when their mother died. They were taken to Rome and treated well in the household of Mark Antony’s widow, Octavia, where they were educated.

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Her story is one that has been retold throughout history – full of romance and love, riches and betrayal. But beneath the gold and glamour lies a far darker tale of sibling rivalry taken to the extreme, and a thirst for power that would change the course of history.

But her own plans became caught up in the ongoing civil war at Rome, beginning with the assassination of Caesar in 44 BCE. Her original relations with Antonius were a matter of stabilizing her kingdom and creating a mutually beneficial relationship between Egypt and Rome, but the personal involvement between the two eventually hampered these plans, and allowed Octavian (the future emperor Augustus), in power in Rome, to marginalize Antonius (who was his brother-in-law) and to claim that he was being destroyed by an eastern seductress. Matters quickly moved out of control in the 30s BCE, and eventually a Roman invasion of Greece was mounted. Cleopatra attempted to disassociate herself from Antonius in order to salvage her kingdom, but would not give it over to Octavian, and was driven to suicide in August of 30 BCE at the age of thirty-nine. Her son Kaisarion ruled for a few weeks, but soon the Romans took over the kingdom. Although the Roman literary machine turned her into a dangerous monster who almost destroyed Rome, within Egypt she was honored for centuries.

Ancient literary sources about Cleopatra are remarkably sparse. Women never fare well in ancient history, and there is pelo work specifically devoted to the queen, nor is there a major contemporary source. Plutarch’s biography of Marcus Antonius (see Plutarch 1988) is the closest to an actual narrative about the queen, but was written one hundred years after her death and is limited in its focus. Second in importance is the Roman History of Cassius Dio (see Dio 1914–1927), the only continuous extant history of Cleopatra’s era. Also of significance are the works of the Jewish historian Josephus (Josephus 1928 and Josephus 1930–1965), whose interest was limited to the southern Levant, but this was an area of importance to Cleopatra.

It also had the same familiar feel as the Dear America books do, so all in all I am glad that such a book - such a series! - exists, to help kids read about and learn about much more cultural diversity and different historical figures than they may known of otherwise.

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